mexican girl pouring a cocktail

Study in Mexico city

Whether you’re taking the International Bartender Course or another of our world-class courses, you’ll train in industry-standard facilities, learn from expert instructors and earn a globally recognized certificate.

What’s more, the city itself is the perfect place for aspiring bartenders – Mexico city is the capital of Latin America's best clubs and cocktail bars, where you and your coursemates can kick back after class and get inspiration for your own cocktail creations.


Local & Global job opportunities

Thanks to our experience in the industry, we have great relationships with different restaurant groups, hotels, an,d independent venues all over Mexico. Also, when you get your certificate you will have an account for life in EBS Matchstaff, which is a network that will help you find a job here in your hometown or anywhere in the world if you want to become an International Bartender!


Meet your instructors

We are the only school in Mexico city that trains its own trainers. We ensure each instructor attends the rigorous EBS Instructor Academy, to keep teaching standards high. When you take any EBS course, you know you’re learning the most up-to-date industry practices and receiving the highest quality education on the market.

Our Mexico city instructors all started their EBS journeys differently. But what they all share is a passion for the industry and a drive to pass on their expertise to their students.

A fully equipped school

Our EBS schools are built specifically for the course, with different areas dedicated to each discipline. Get a feel for what EBS Mexico City will look like inside with these pictures of the specially designed spaces in use at our existing schools.

practice area

Practice area

Where you’ll build skills & master bar equipment

free pour area

Free-pour area

In our schools, we provide you with intense Free-pour training to level up your bartending game with all the necessary equipment and techniques

live bar


Where you’ll craft (and taste) your very own cocktails

theory area

Masterclass area

Where you’ll get historical insight and product knowledge

flair area

Flair area

Where you’ll level up your serve with impressive moves

juan carlos aceves

The sky is the limit

Juan Carlos Aceves is one of our success stories, he was working in Spain and find out about the EBS, fell in love with it and certificate in the most important courses that we have, now a days he's the head instructor of EBS New York

After-class activities


Teotihuacan Tour

We will take you to explore one of the greatest places close to Mexico City: Teotihuacan, archeologic area from prehispánic times that will blow your mind!


Mexico City's cocktail tour

Join us in the "Bar hopping" of the best cocktail bars in town, so you'll get inspired for your own creations!!!


Tequila and Mezcal museum tour

We'll take you in the heart of Garibaldi's plaza to walk around the halls of the MUTEM so you'll enhance your agave spirits knowledge.


Bacardi's factory tour

We will take you the Bacardi's factory in Puebla where you can see where the magic happens and get a full understanding of rum production

accomodation hotel roma mx


Our students will be able to stay in our very nice Casa Centro Mx hostel, which is located in a beautiful building in Mexico’s city Downtown, a short 20 min Metrobus ride away from the school itself, where you can also stay, around the best cocktail bars in the city. 

Come with your friends and share a room in the same building as the school, so you don’t miss the action at all!!!

Accommodation features


Here’s what you can add to your booking…

We know things don’t always go to plan. When you add cancellation insurance to your booking, you’ll be entitled to a full refund if you can no longer take the course and need to cancel (for any reason covered by the scheme). Read More.

With Flexi Booking, you can change your course dates, destination and even the name of the person on the booking. Read More.

For your peace of mind, you'll have the chance to add the educational guarantee to your booking, which will allow you to retake your course at the same destination if you fail your exams the first time round.

The two-day Mixology Course is the perfect addition to your four-week course. Top up your skills and learn to craft your own sodas, foams, syrups and cordials. Plus, you’ll get to add another certificate to your CV.

The Mixology Course takes place straight after your International Bartender Course, at the same school and sometimes even with the same coursemates!